Sand Creek Students Celebrate Antarctica Day with South Pole Video Conference

middle school students gather in classroom for a group photoStudents in Stacey Sebert’s science class at Sand Creek Middle School celebrated Antarctica Day yesterday by video conferencing with scientists and teachers at the South Pole through PolarTREC. 

Teachers and students from around the world participated in the video conference. The students asked some great questions to the scientists and teachers at the South Pole about their research stations (there are three including the South Pole), what animals they have come in contact with (a few penguins but mostly seals), what gear they need to wear outside (lots of layers and a heavy duty red jacket), what the average temperature is at the South Pole currently (-25F! even though it’s summer there. Brrr!), are there doctors available (yes two on the entire continent currently but they mostly treat the common cold and minor cuts and scrapes), what they eat there (same food as at home and it’s prepared by amazing chefs so it’s really good!) and what they do in their downtime (play badminton and volleyball in the gym).

After the video conference, the class was able to launch a virtual balloon to celebrate the 58th anniversary of the signing of the Antarctic treaty. To see the Sand Creek conference video or follow the current expedition at the South Pole, visit the PolarTREC website,