Sand Creek Ironman Winners

Congratulations to Sand Creek Middle School 7th grade Ironman competitors and winners: Dillon Small, 7th grade boys Ironman winner and Julianna Frankenfield, 7th girls Ironman winner.

group of students in their gym shirts
7th grade Ironman competitors
girl stands in her Colonie T shirt
Julianna Frankenfield
boy stands in his gym shirt
Dillon Small









Congratulations to Sand Creek Middle School 8th grade Ironman competitors and winners: Zyaire Mackey-Bailey, 8th grade boy Ironman champion and Lillian Moran, 8th grade girl Ironman champion.

group of students in t shirts
8th grade Ironman competitors
student in t shirt
Zyaire Mackey-Bailey
girl in t shirt
Lillian Moran