One-pager project: Sand Creek celebrates Black History Month

one page report with drawings and facts about activist William Edward Burghardt Du Bois
One Pager project highlighting activist William Edward Burghardt Du Bois.

Each February, the nation celebrates Black History Month by honoring the contributions African Americans have made throughout history, while also recognizing that the fight for racial justice continues.

This month, Sand Creek 7th-grade students in Ms. Medved’s social studies class joined together to celebrate influential Black Americans in honor of the month-long celebration. The students were assigned to do a one-page project.

One pager report with drawings and facts Katherine Johnson the first  African-American women to work as a NASA scientist
One pager report highlighting Katherine Johnson the first African-American woman to work as a NASA scientist

“The idea behind the project is for our students to choose one influential Black American from history and create a piece of artwork that celebrates their achievements and contributions,” said Ms. Medved. ”This project is important for my students because it is a powerful reminder that Black history is American history and helps create a culturally inclusive environment in our classroom.”

The students selected influential individuals such as civil rights activist William Edward Burghardt Du Bois,  gifted musician and singer Billie Holiday, track and field athlete Jesse Owens, and more.

The artwork is being displayed outside Medved’s classroom where all the artwork is displayed collectively.