Lisha Kill Robotics Team Has Busy Year

Lisha Kill Middle School’s FIRST Robotics is a 10-member student team from grades 5-8.  The team began meeting weekly since the fall designing, building and programming a Lego EV3 robot. This robot competed at the local FLL competition held at RPI in December, and placed third.

Members of the team were responsible for a research portion of the project. This year’s theme was hydrodynamics. Students surveyed the Lisha Kill community to see if their peers and teachers were hydrated. Through their research, they found that people have access to clean drinking water, but were often suffering from symptoms of dehydration.

The team then designed a solution using CAD and 3D printed the “Guzzle Meter.” The Guzzle Meter is a devise that attaches to your plastic water bottle and reminds you how much water you’ve consumed and to stay on track to drink eight, 8-ounce glasses a day. 

The Lisha Kill robotics team also participated in various outreach opportunities. Students designed, built and programmed robots that were in use at the grade 5/6 fun night as well as visits to multiple elementary school classrooms. Now that competition season is complete, the robotics team hosts “drop in” sessions for students in grades 5-8 who may be interested in robotics. 

If you are a grade 5-8 student who would like to learn how to program a robot, stay after school in the STEM room on Wednesdays. Please sign up in room 124 ahead of time to guarantee yourself a robot and you can take the late bus home.