January 7 update: A message from Superintendent Perry

Dear South Colonie Community Members:

I am disappointed and concerned with what transpired in our Capitol yesterday. Like many of you, I have struggled to know how best to respond and react.  What we saw was not a peaceful protest. What we saw was a group of rioters attempting to subvert our democratic process. 

Our representatives in the Senate and House of Representatives have affirmed the November election results and support the certification of them.   We, as parents and community members, have a duty to frame this moment for younger generations. You will frame this moment with your children in alignment with your family’s values and understanding; and we will utilize this event as a teachable moment to help our students engage in robust conversations about civic responsibility.

As educators, we are committed to teaching students about good citizenship, the importance of being a part of the democratic process, and how to exercise our rights to express opinions and concerns in appropriate ways. Through these conversations, we hope to have a positive influence on the youth we serve.  Our youth will become the adults leading our communities, states, and nation in the future.

Seeing pictures or videos of yesterday’s events can certainly cause anxiety and concern. If your child needs help processing these events, please rest assured that we will make the appropriate staff available to assist them. As always, feel free to contact District staff if you have questions, concerns or are in need of any additional support. 

South Colonie is a strong community, and we will get through these difficult times together.  

Thank you,

David Perry
Superintendent of Schools