Incoming Kindergarten Families; Please Save These Dates

Kindergarten Orientation

May 11th from 5:00-6:00

You & your child are invited to join us for a tour of Saddlewood, meet the Kindergarten teachers, and see your classrooms!

Families will be split up into 2 groups alphabetically. One group will tour, while the other group meets the teachers, & then we will switch! We hope you can join us! 

Kindergarten Screening

June 7th & 20th

Parents will sign up for a time at Orientation to bring your child into Saddlewood for a screening on 6/7 or 6/20.  This screening gives us the opportunity to meet you and learn a little about your child before they are officially in Kindergarten!

(Students currently in the South Colonie UPK will not be screened; they will be evaluated in June by their current Pre-K teacher.)

This is such an exciting time & we cannot wait to meet you!