Ella Bonder Shaker Road Principal For a Day

elementary kid sits in the principal's chair

Our Shaker Road Elementary School tradition of having students serve as Principal for a Day took a very sweet turn with Ella Bonder in the role. Ella and her family won a furious bidding war at the PTA Chance of a Springtime auction to win this coveted post. By the end of the day it was obvious to all adults at Shaker Road that maybe we should be paying Ella!

Ella and her cat, Molly, did lots of planning for her day as the Principal. Dressed for success in her favorite color (pink), Ella was on the job bright and early. Ella set the bar at a great height for any school leader who would look to deflect questions about more pay and less work. She showed up on the job with a basket chock full of sweets labeled “Staff Appreciation Treat Basket.” How can any other school leader compete with that?

Ella loves Math and her favorite books feature Pete the Cat and Elephant & Piggie. She suggests that you read those books and practice your Math facts every night. Ella is looking forward to an upcoming trip to Disney World and summertime is her favorite time of year. Ella was charming and poised and very flexible during her tenure and the whole Shaker Road community is grateful.