Two teams of Colonie Central High School (CCHS) students competed on Saturday, March 6 in the Department of Energy’s Regional Science Bowl. The event typically held at General Electric Co. in Niskayuna was held virtually this year. Each team of students competed in an individual ZOOM room with the judges, moderators, a scorekeeper, and their coach.
Colonie Central High School Team one was represented by Piper Judeikis, Ryan Tran, Tyler Vazquez and Sakinah John. Team two included by Luke Bomba, Jason Mauro, Christopher Rennells, Jennifer Shafer, and Kaitlin Suedkamp.
More than 150 students from the region enjoyed this competitive day answering verbal questions on several topics including physics, chemistry, biology, earth science, astronomy, math, and energy.
The team practiced virtually by ZOOM coached by Erin Rennells and Michelle Schrader.
Congratulations to all of our students!