This was a year of firsts for many students. Whether they were advocating for themselves in the classroom or achieving their final personal/team achievements in South Colonie athletics, they were doing their best to make the most of an unusual senior year. Each and every graduate of the Class of 2021 has made strides to be better. Today, we highlight CCHS senior Fabien M. De Silva Jr. Mr. De Silva Jr. is a four-year track and field athlete who is headed to Cornell University in the fall. He will be studying environmental engineering and competing for the Big Red track and field team.
The stories that we’ve shared on the Class of 2021 continue to be inspiring and we look forward to their future accomplishments. We would like to thank all of the participating CCHS seniors for being open to sharing their stories with our school community. It’s with that trust that we were allowed to share their experiences with you.
Here’s his story told through his own Q&A.
Describe your experience at South Colonie from freshman year to now. What experiences shaped you most?

One of my earliest memories from freshman year was the high school soccer tryouts. I met some new people that I’m still friends with today. My teammates from soccer and track have shaped me the most. Aside from sports, my four years at South Colonie flew by fast. I feel as though I only remember my senior year. This was definitely the hardest year of my life. There were many unforeseen circumstances that affected me academically, athletically, and socially, but I feel as though these challenges allowed me to find myself and to reach even further towards my goals.
Athletically, what did you prove to yourself to become a Division I athlete?
Becoming a Division I athlete was never a dream for me. I’ve played sports my entire life but never thought of going Division I let alone, becoming a track runner, until high school. Competing at Cornell University will show me that I can do more when I push myself and stay positive. I’ve realized looking at the bright side of every scenario and putting in more work, even after I’m satisfied, is the key to reaching the potential that I know I have.
How did you approach the college selection process? Anything to share with future seniors?
My college selection process was very simple. I applied to five schools and three of them included track and field. Advice: find what you want to do in the future, whether it is college, working, or maybe trade school. Find what you’re passionate about and make sure the location you choose will suit you, even if you have to adjust a little bit. Lastly, don’t stress. There are tons of people in the same boat that are wondering what their next step is.
Finally, what’s one thing about South Colonie that you will miss the most?
One thing that I will miss the most from South Colonie are the sports. From soccer to track, the coaches have been very impactful on my life. They have molded me and changed the way I view my future. Practicing, winning, and losing with my teammates has been the most fun part about South Colonie.