April 23 update: A message of hope from Superintendent Perry

View a video message from Dr. Perry here.

Dear South Colonie Students and Families:

By now you know that the Governor extended the school closure through May 15, 2020. While his decision may not have been unexpected, it was difficult to hear. We miss being with your children each and every day. We also know that balancing your many responsibilities at home while school buildings are closed is difficult at best.

During this time of extended closure, I want to offer you a message of hope. This is a big change for everyone.  I do believe that this experience is and will be the source of innovation and creativity for years to come. I have already seen many examples of new and inventive ways that teachers, administrators, and staff connecting with students, even though they are far apart. Keep a positive mindset and control the things that we can control in our lives.  

For students, while all situations vary, we ask that you try to establish some type of routine as we all navigate this tough situation.  Look at the upcoming days as an adventure; get some fresh air, learn a new skill, and help with the chores around the house!  

To the Senior Class of 2020, you were born for this!  Every single one of you was born a few months after September 11, 2001.  The whole country lived in fear, but you were undoubtedly the bright light in your lives of your parents during some dark times.  You have brightened Colonie High- every single one of you!  You have brightened each other’s lives.  Continue to brighten the world ahead of you during these dark times.  Stay strong, stay bright! 

Parents, I encourage you to keep your focus on what is most essential: the health and safety of your family, the emotional well-being of your children, and a willingness to try your best to keep your children engaged in their learning. We can’t ask for anything else.  Although we are continuing to implement additional learning opportunities for students at all levels, parents must ultimately decide what is right for their child.

Please know that our faculty and staff are here for you. Do not hesitate to reach out to your children’s teachers, counselors, principals, or me with your worries or concerns. To help you quickly find the materials and resources your children need to stay engaged in their learning, don’t forget to visit the South Colonie Curriculum and Instruction website.

I also want to remind you that we will continue to provide meals to children and assist with technology needs for students, parents, and guardians who are in need of support during our remote instruction.

Thank you for continued patience and understanding during this unprecedented time for our community. We appreciate your efforts to help us stay connected with your children.

Stay Strong Colonie!

Dr. David Perry