From building secretary at Forest Park to seamlessly transitioning into a new role at the district office, Samantha Moore has continuously gone above and beyond to support the South Colonie school community.
Moore has been working at South Colonie since 2009 and is no stranger to taking on responsibilities that fall beyond her job description.
“Sam transitioned into a new position to support the facilities department just a little over nine months ago,” said District Clerk and Assistant to the Superintendent Amber Lanigan. “In her short time at the DO and knowing her history at Forest Park, it is evident that she is always willing to help out in any capacity and always goes above and beyond to support her colleagues.”
Moore was transitioned to a year-round position supporting the facilities director at the district office in February 2022.
“The job description may describe tasks associated with the job of a secretary but the department runs smoothly and effectively because of Sam’s excellent time management, organizational, and communications skills,” Lanigan added.
So we all know that school support personnel are integral in supporting school districts like South Colonie but let’s spend a few minutes sharing a little bit “Moore” about this week’s Meet the Pack star Samantha Moore.
FAQ with Moore
In your opinion, what is the best thing about the South Colonie community?
I have lived in Colonie my entire life. In fact, I am a Colonie High School graduate. People sometimes use the term “Smalbany” in a negative connotation, myself included. But, in fact, Colonie is a caring community filled with generous people. People see a need and jump in and help. The residents of South Colonie just recently showed up to the referendum vote and passed the rightfully-named Next Generation Capital Project. This is exciting and just shows the community that we have here in South Colonie, the residents are interested in the future of our schools and in the education of their students.
What is your hidden talent?
Juggling! Every day I juggle my work, my home, my family and my friends. I treasure my ability to keep the balls in the air. Every once in a while one may drop, but that’s life. I just try to keep my cool and pick that ball back up and add it to the loop!
Share with us a little bit more about the day in your life on the job.
I have been working at South Colonie for over 12 years. While a majority of my time was as support staff at Shaker Road and Forest Park, I have just recently joined the Buildings and Grounds Department and it has been full speed ahead since I got here. The maintenance and custodial staff are a hard-working, behind-the-scenes group of men and women. I help support them and their daily duties, I help coordinate the use of our facilities through our new online system that we recently instituted, and now with the Capital Project in full swing I look forward to assisting with all of the exciting projects and expansions.
You wear many hats, which one is your favorite?
My favorite hat is my “mom hat”! But, I can’t forget my time at Forest Park and the Freddie the Falcon hat I wore! Yes, I donned that mascot costume with pride and ran the hallways of the school!! (See picture below)
What does it mean to you to be recognized for your work by a colleague?
I’m honored to be recognized! Since day one working at the district I have prided myself in the positions I held. I embraced my position as support staff and gave 100% to the administrators and educators I worked with. I have always said that “it is my job to make your job easier”. As support staff, that’s what we do. But to actually be recognized for all the background work is truly something that makes me feel that I am lucky to be a part of South Colonie.
Anything else people should know?
I just started to play golf. Now that’s a sport that takes a lot of persistence and resilience. It just goes to show that we never stop learning!!