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  • Southampton Public Schools

    Kindergarten - Grade 12 Code of Conduct Guide

    Presented to and Acknowledged by the Board of Education: September 2011

    Southampton Public Schools Mission Statement

    Southampton School District, in partnership with our diverse community, will educate students in a safe, supportive environment and equip them with the knowledge, values and skills to become responsible citizens in a dynamic global society.

    Board of Education Members

    David M. Dubin, Esq., Board President Donald J. King, Vice President Trustees
    Roberta O. Hunter, Esq. Heather McCallion
    Nicholas Palumbo
    Amy Pierson
    Christina Strassfield

    Mary Pontieri, District Clerk (631) 591-4516

    Directory of Administration and School Offices

    District Office

    Dr. J. Richard Boyes, Superintendent of Schools (631) 591-4510 (631) 591-4545 Mrs. Maria H. Smith, Asst. Superintendent for (631) 591-4527

    Pupil Personnel Services

    (631) 591-4583
    Mrs. Sarah McGuire, Asst. Director/High School
    (631) 591-4606

    School Offices

    Southampton Elementary School

    Mrs. Bertha Richard, (631) 591-4802 Dr. Br (631) 591-4815

    Southampton Intermediate School

    Mr. Timothy Frazier (631) 591-4702 (631) 591-4709

    Southampton High School

    Dr. Timothy Mundell. (631) 591-4602
    Mrs. Esther Adler-
    (631) 591-4605

    Transportation Office

    (631) 591-4541


    The Southampton Public Schools is committed to ensuring that our schools are safe, secure and orderly environments in which teaching and learning take place each day. Safe, supportive school environments depend on students, staff and parents demonstrating mutual respect. Included in this document is the Discipline Guide to support the Code of Conduct policy. Included in this document are responsibilities that address student behavior and promote an atmosphere of dignity and respect by establishing guidelines to help students as they strive to become productive citizens in a diverse society.

    The Discipline Guide provides a range of permissible disciplinary measures which ensures both consistency and equitable treatment for all students and enables a principal, the superintendent and their designees to exercise discretion and educational judgment. Principals, teachers, school staff, students and parents need to know the disciplinary measures that can be taken when a student misbehaves or substantially disrupts a classroom. Guidance and related service interventions are included because inappropriate behavior or violations of the Discipline Guide may be symptomatic of more serious problems that students are experiencing. It is, therefore, important that school personnel be sensitive to issues that may influence the behavior of students and respond in a manner that is most supportive of their needs. Final disciplinary actions and interventions will be determined by school administration.

    This document is

    This law amends the New York Education Law to prohibit harassment against students in school, including harassment based on real or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (including gender identity and expression) and sex, and to prohibit discrimination based on these same characteristics. The prohibition would apply to all public schools in the state.

    Specifically this law requires schools to:

    Adopt policies to make schools harassment-and-discrimination-free environments;
    Inform students and parents of anti-discrimination and harassment policies;
    Develop guidelines to be used in school training programs for teachers, administrators and other school employees to discourage the development of discrimination and harassment among staff and students;
    Create guidelines relating to the development of nondiscriminatory instruction and counseling;
    Incorporate discrimination and harassment awareness and sensitivity into civility, citizenship and character education curricula;
    Provide a staff member trained in human-relations counseling; and
    Report on incidents of discrimination and bias harassment to the State Education Department.
    The law also requires the State Education Department to assist districts in implementing the requirements of the act with regulations, direct services and model policies.


    This guide is meant to support Southampton Public Schools district policy which includes a Code of Conduct and a District Computer, Internet and Network Use Policy. This guide is not limited to infractions, disciplinary responses, and counseling interventions listed in the document. It is important to ensure that all students, parents and staff members are familiarized with the District Computer, Internet and Network Use Policy. All students, staff and parents are required to sign and follow this policy at the beginning of each school year. Computer, Internet and Network infractions will be addressed using the framework set forth in this guide. Please see the District Policy Book, section 4526, for more information.


    Students, parents and school personnel all have a role in making schools safe and must cooperate with one another to achieve this goal. School staff addressing areas of concern. Outreach to parents can include, but is not limited to, a phone call and/or a written communication by the teacher. As role models, parents and school staff should exhibit the behaviors which they would like to see students emulate. To ensure that parents become active and involved partners in promoting a safe and supportive school environment, parents must be familiar with the Discipline Code. All educators are responsible for issues that may affect student behavior. It is important that there be maximum consultation and communication between the school and the home. and one where appropriate. Parents who want to discuss guidance interventions in response to student behavior should contact their chil


    To promote positive behavior, schools provide a range of prevention and intervention strategies and student support services for all students during and/or after school hours throughout the school year. When a student engages in misconduct, in addition to the range of possible consequences for student infractions, the Discipline Code provides a non- exhaustive list of guidance interventions that should be considered in conjunction with the type of behavior in which a student has engaged. Guidance interventions should be employed by staff as a part of a comprehensive disciplinary response and students should receive guidance interventions at all stages of the disciplinary process, including while on extended suspension. When used consistently and appropriately, these interventions can be a tool to improve student behavior, lower student recidivism and contribute to a more positive school environment.

    Students returning from suspension should be provided with support services to maximize their ability to meet social and academic standards within the school community. Support services may include any other range of guidance interventions or a combination of services as best meets the needs of the individual student.


    There are two levels of student suspension: principal suspension and superintendent suspension. A principal suspension can range from 1 5 days. A superintendent suspension is a suspension that goes beyond 5 days.

    . An appeal may be brought to the Superintendent

    A suspension of more than five days may be imposed for students in all schools by the Superintendent of Schools. An appeal may be brought directly to the Superintendent of Schools.


    Kindergarten Grade 6 Level 1
    Range of Possible Disciplinary

    Range of Possible Counseling Interventions

    Parent outreach
    Intervention by counseling staff Individual/group counseling Peer mediation
    Conflict resolution Development of individual behavior contract
    Short-term behavioral progress reports
    Referral to PPS (Pupil Personnel Team)
    Community service (with parental consent)
    Referral to a Community Based Organization (CBO)

    Infractions Insubordinate Behaviors

    Unexcused absence from school
    Being late for school
    Bringing prohibited equipment or material to school without authorization (e.g. cell phone, beeper, or other electronic communication/device)
    place on school premises Behaving in a manner which disrupts the educational process (e.g. making excessive noises in a classroom, library or hallway)

    Engaging in verbally rude or disrespectful behavior Wearing clothing, headgear (e.g. caps or hats), or other items that are unsafe or disruptive to the educational process

    Posting or distributing material on school premises in violation of written Department of Education policy and/or school rules

    Using school computers, fax machines telephone or other electronic equipment or devices without appropriate permission


    Admonishment by pedagogical school staff
    Student/teacher conference Reprimand by appropriate supervisor (e.g. assistant principal, principal)

    Parent conference
    In-school disciplinary action (e.g. exclusion from extracurricular activities, recess or communal lunchtime and/or after school detention) Suspension or removal from the bus

    Kindergarten Grade 6 Level 2

    Infractions-Disorderly Disruptive Behaviors

    Smoking and/or possession of matches, lighters and/or fireworks
    Using profane, obscene, vulgar, lewd or abusive language or gestures

    Lying to, giving false information to, and/or misleading school personnel
    Misusing property belonging to others

    Engaging in or causing disruptive behavior on the school bus
    Leaving class, building or school premises without permission of supervising school personnel Engaging in inappropriate or unwanted physical contact or touching someone in a private part of body

    Viola Internet Use Policy (e.g. use of - educational purposes, security/privacy violations) Engaging in scholastic dishonesty which includes but is not limited to:
    a. Cheating
    b. Plagiarizing
    c. Colluding

    Range of Possible Disciplinary Responses

    Admonishment by pedagogical school staff
    Student/teacher conference
    In school disciplinary action (e.g. exclusion from extracurricular activities, recess or communal lunch)

    Reprimand by appropriate supervisor
    Parent conference
    Suspension or removal from the bus

    Range of Possible Counseling Interventions

    Parent outreach
    Intervention by counseling staff Guidance conference Individual/group counseling
    Peer Mediation
    Mentoring program
    Conflict resolution
    Development of individual behavior contract or Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) Short-term behavioral progress reports
    Referral to PPS (Pupil Personnel Team)
    Referral to Community Based Organization (CBO)
    Referral to appropriate outside counseling services

    Supports for students transitioning from suspension

    Students returning from suspension should be provided with supportive services to maximize their ability to meet social and academic standards within the school community. Support services may include any of the range of guidance interventions or a combination of services as best meets the needs of the individual student.

    Kindergarten Grade 6 Level 3 Infractions-Seriously Disruptive


    Being insubordinate; defying or disobeying the lawful authority of school personnel or school safety agents
    Using slurs based upon actual or perceived race, ethnicity, color, national origin, citizenship/immigration status, religion, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or disability
    Shoving, pushing, or engaging in other similar physical behavior (e.g. horseplay or other minor altercation), or throwing an object (e.g. chalk) or spitting at another person
    Knowingly possessing property belonging to another without authorization
    Tampering with, changing, or altering a record or document of a school by any method, including, but not limited to, computer access or other electronic means
    Engaging in inappropriate or unwanted physical contact or touching someone in a private part of body
    Engaging in gang-related behavior (e.g. wearing gang apparel and/or accessories, writing graffiti, making gestures or signs)
    Engaging in vandalism, graffiti, or other intentional damage to school property or property belonging to staff, students or others
    Posting or distributing libelous material or literature (including posting such material on the internet)
    Engaging in a pattern of persistent level 2 behavior

    Range of Possible Disciplinary Responses

    Admonishment by pedagogical school staff Student/teacher conference Reprimand by appropriate supervisor
    Parent conference In-school disciplinary actions (e.g. exclusion from extracurricular activities, recess or communal lunchtime)
    Removal from classroom by teacher (after a student is removed from any classroom by any teacher three times during a semester or twice in a
    suspension must be sought if the student engages in subsequent behavior that would otherwise result in a removal by a teacher) suspension that results in immediate reinstatement Superint suspension that results in continued suspension for a fixed period of 6-10 days Suspension or removal from the bus

    Range of Possible Counseling Interventions

    Parent Outreach
    Intervention by counseling staff Guidance conference Individual/group counseling Peer mediation
    Mentoring program
    Conflict resolution Development of individual behavior contract or Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP)
    Short-term behavioral progress reports
    Referral to PPS(Pupil Personnel Team)
    Referral to a Community Based Organization (CBO) Referral to appropriate substance abuse counseling services
    Referral to outside counseling services for youth relationship abuse or sexual violence

    Support for students transitioning from suspension Students returning from suspension should be provided with supportive services to maximize their ability to meet social and academic standards within the school community. Support services may include any of the range of guidance interventions or a combination of services as best meets the needs of the individual student.

    Kindergarten Grade 6 Level 4 Infractions Dangerous or Violent


    Engaging in an altercation and/or physically aggressive behavior, other than horseplay, which creates a substantial risk of or results in minor injury

    Engaging in an act of coercion or threatening violence, injury or harm to another or others
    Engaging in reckless behavior on the school bus which creates a substantial risk of or results in injury and/or using an object that appears capable of causing physical injury (e.g. lighter, belt buckle or umbrella) Engaging in intimidating and bullying behavior, threatening stalking, or seeking to coerce or compel a student or staff member to do something; engaging in verbal or physical conduct that threatens another with harm; taunting and/or intimidation through the use of epithets or slurs involving actual or perceived race, ethnicity, color, national origin, citizenship/immigration status, religious practices, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or disability

    Making sexually suggestive comments, innuendoes propositions or similar remarks, or engaging in nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature (e.g. touching, patting, pinching, lewd or indecent public behavior)
    Possessing controlled substances without appropriate authorization, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia and/or alcohol

    Range of Possible Disciplinary Responses

    Parent conference
    In-school disciplinary actions (e.g. exclusion from extracurricular activities, recess or communal lunchtime) Removal from classroom by teacher. (After a student is removed from any classroom by any teacher three times during a semester or twice in a trimester,
    sought if the student engages in subsequent behavior that would

    otherwise result in a removal
    a teacher)
    that results in immediate reinstatement that results in continued suspension for a fixed period 6-10 school days that results in extended suspension for 30 to 90 school days with an automatic review for early reinstatement after 30 or 60 school days

    Suspension or removal from the bus

    Range of Possible Counseling Interventions

    Parent Outreach Intervention by counseling staff
    Guidance conference Individual/group counseling Peer mediation
    Mentoring program
    Conflict resolution Development of individual behavior contract or BIP Short-term behavioral progress reports
    Referral to PPS(Pupil Personnel Team)
    Referral to a Community Based Organization (CBO) Referral to appropriate substance abuse counseling services Referral to outside counseling services for youth relationship abuse or sexual violence

    Support for students transitioning from suspension Students returning from suspension should be provided with supportive services to maximize their ability to meet social and academic standards within the school community. Support services may include any of the range of guidance interventions or a combination of services as best meets the needs of the individual student.



    Grade 7 -12 Level 1

    Infractions Insubordinate Behaviors

    Cutting class
    Being late for school or class
    igned place on school premises Behaving in verbally rude or disrespectful behavior
    Wearing clothing, headgear (e.g. caps or hats), or other items that are unsafe or disruptive to the educational process
    Failing to provide school officials with required identification

    Range of Possible Disciplinary Responses

    Admonishment by pedagogical school staff
    Student/teacher conference Reprimand by appropriate supervisor

    Parent conference
    In-school disciplinary action (e.g. detention, exclusion from extracurricular activities, recess or communal lunchtime) Removal from classroom by teacher (After a student is removed from any classroom by any teacher three times during a semester or twice in a trimester,
    sought if the student engages in subsequent behavior that would otherwise result in a removal by a teacher)

    Range of Possible Counseling Interventions

    Parent outreach
    Intervention by counseling staff Guidance conference Individual/group counseling
    Peer Mediation
    Mentoring program
    Conflict resolution
    Development of individual behavior contract or Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) Short-term behavioral progress reports
    Referral to PPS (Pupil Personnel Team)
    Referral to Community Based Organization (CBO)

    Grade 7 -12 Level 2

    Infractions Disorderly Disruptive Behaviors

    Smoking and/or possession of matches or lighters
    Using profane, obscene, vulgar, lewd or abusive language or gestures

    Lying to, giving false information to, and/or misleading school personnel
    Misusing property belonging to others

    Engaging in or causing disruptive behavior on the school bus Engaging in a pattern of persistent Level 1 behavior (whenever possible and appropriate, prior to imposing a Level 2 disciplinary response, school officials should have exhausted the disciplinary responses in Level 1. Further, repeated Level 1 infractions are limited to Level 2 disciplinary responses)

    Range of Possible Disciplinary Responses

    Admonishment by pedagogical school staff
    Student/teacher conference Reprimand by appropriate supervisor

    Parent conference
    In-school disciplinary action (e.g. detention, exclusion from extracurricular activities, recess or communal lunchtime) Removal from classroom by teacher (After a student is removed from any classroom by any teacher three times during a semester or twice in a trimester,
    sought if the student engages in subsequent behavior that would otherwise result in a removal by a teacher)

    Range of Possible Counseling Interventions

    Parent Outreach
    Intervention by counseling staff Guidance conference Individual/group counseling
    Peer mediation
    Mentoring program
    Conflict resolution
    Development of individual behavior contract or BIP Short-term behavioral progress reports
    Referral to PPS(Pupil Personnel Team)
    Referral to a Community Based Organization (CBO)
    Referral to appropriate substance abuse counseling services Referral to outside counseling services for youth relationship abuse or sexual violence
    Referral to counseling services for bias-based bullying, intimidation, or harassment

    Support for students transitioning from suspension Students returning from suspension should be provided with supportive services to maximize their ability to meet social and academic standards within the school community. Support services may include any of the range of guidance interventions or a combination of services as best meets the needs of the individual student.

    Grade 7 -12 Level 3

    Infractions Seriously Disruptive Behavior

    Leaving class or school premises without permission of supervising school personnel
    Being insubordinate; defying or disobeying the lawful authority of school personnel or school safety agents Entering or attempting to enter a school building without authorization

    Using slurs based upon actual or perceived race, ethnicity, color national origin, citizenship/immigration status, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, or disability
    Shoving, pushing, or engaging in other similar physical behavior (e.g. horseplay or other minor altercation), or throwing an object (e.g. chalk) or spitting at another person
    Bringing unauthorized visitors to school or allowing unauthorized visitors to enter school in violation of written school rules
    Engaging in gang-related behavior (e.g. wearing gang apparel and/or accessories, writing graffiti, making gestures or signs)
    Tampering with, changing or altering a record or document of a school by any method, including, but not limited to, computer access or other electronic means
    Engaging in vandalism, graffiti or other intentional damage to school property or property belonging to staff, students or others
    Knowingly possessing property belonging to another without authorization

    Range of Possible Disciplinary Responses

    Admonishment by pedagogical school staff
    Student/teacher conference Reprimand by appropriate supervisor

    Parent conference
    In-school disciplinary action (e.g. detention, exclusion from extracurricular activities, recess or communal lunchtime) Removal from classroom by teacher (After a student is removed from any classroom by any teacher three times during a semester or twice in a trimester,
    sought if the student engages in subsequent behavior that would otherwise result in a removal by a teacher)
    nsion that results in immediate reinstatement
    that results in continued suspension for a fixed period of 6-10 school days

    Range of Possible Counseling Interventions

    Parent Outreach
    Intervention by counseling staff Guidance conference Individual/group counseling
    Peer mediation
    Mentoring program
    Conflict resolution
    Development of individual behavior contract or BIP
    Short-term behavioral progress reports
    Referral to PPS(Pupil Personnel Team)
    Referral to a Community Based Organization (CBO)
    Referral to appropriate substance abuse counseling services
    Referral to outside counseling services for youth relationship abuse or sexual violence
    Referral to counseling services for bias-based bullying, intimidation, or harassment

    Support for students transitioning from suspension
    Students returning from suspension should be provided with supportive services to maximize their ability to meet social and academic standards within the school community. Support services may include any of the range of guidance interventions or a combination of services as best meets the needs of the individual student.

    Grade 7 -12 Level 3 Infractions Seriously Disruptive


    Engaging in sexual conduct on school premises or at school related functions
    Internet Policy (e.g. use of the - educational purposes, security/privacy violations) Engaging in scholastic dishonesty which includes but is not limited to:

    Range of Possible Disciplinary Responses

    Admonishment by pedagogical school staff
    Student/teacher conference Reprimand by appropriate supervisor

    Parent conference
    In-school disciplinary action (e.g. detention, exclusion from extracurricular activities, recess or communal lunchtime) Removal from classroom by teacher (After a student is removed from any classroom by any teacher three times during a semester or twice in a trimester,
    sought if the student engages in subsequent behavior that would otherwise result in a removal by a teacher)
    suspension that results in immediate reinstatement
    that results in continued suspension for a fixed period of 6-10 school days

    Range of Possible Counseling Interventions

    Parent Outreach
    Intervention by counseling staff Guidance conference Individual/group counseling
    Peer mediation
    Mentoring program
    Conflict resolution
    Development of individual behavior contract or BIP
    Short-term behavioral progress reports
    Referral to PPS(Pupil Personnel Team)
    Referral to a Community Based Organization (CBO)
    Referral to appropriate substance abuse counseling services
    Referral to outside counseling services for youth relationship abuse or sexual violence
    Referral to counseling services for bias-based bullying, intimidation, or harassment

    Support for students transitioning from suspension
    Students returning from suspension should be provided with supportive services to maximize their ability to meet social and academic standards within the school community. Support services may include any of the range of guidance interventions or a combination of services as best meets the needs of the individual student.

    Posting or distributing libelous material or literature (including posting such material on the Internet)

    Engaging in a pattern of persistent Level 2 behavior (Whenever possible and appropriate, prior to imposing a Level 3 disciplinary response, school officials should have exhausted the disciplinary responses in Level 2. Further, repeated Level 2 infractions are limited to Level 3 disciplinary responses)

    Cheating Plagiarizing Colluding

    Grade 7 -12 Level 4 Infractions-Dangerous or Violent Behavior

    Making sexually suggestive comments, innuendoes, propositions or similar remarks, or engaging in nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature (e.g. patting, pinching, lewd or indecent public behavior)
    Posting or distributing literature or material containing a threat of violence, injury or harm, or depicting violent actions against or obscene, vulgar or lewd pictures of students or staff, including posting such material on the internet Engaging in an altercation and/or physically aggressive behavior, other than horseplay, which creates a substantial risk of or results in minor injury
    Engaging in an act of coercion or threatening violence, injury or harm to another or others Engaging in or causing disruptive behavior on the school bus which creates a substantial risk of or results in injury
    Engaging in intimidating and bullying behavior- threatening, stalking or seeking to coerce or compel a student or staff member to do something; engaging in verbal or physical conduct that threatens another with harm; taunting and/or intimidation through the use of epithets or slurs involving actual or perceived race, ethnicity, color, national origin, citizenship/immigration status, religion, religious practices, gender identity, gender
    expression, sexual orientation or disability
    Possessing controlled substances without appropriate authorization, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, and/or alcohol
    Falsely activating a fire alarm or other disaster alarm
    Making a bomb threat
    Taking or attempting to take property belonging to another without authority

    Range of Possible Disciplinary Responses

    results in immediate reinstatement at results in continued suspension for a fixed period of 6-10 school days results in extended suspension for 30-90 school days with an automatic review for early reinstatement after 30 or 60 school days
    pension that results in a one year suspension and assignment to a Long Term Suspension Center for students in grades 7-12 with an automatic review for early reinstatement after 6 months
    results in a one year suspension and assignment to a Long Term Suspension Center for students in grades 7-12 without the possibility for early reinstatement
    Police Notification

    Range of Possible Counseling Interventions

    Parent Outreach
    Intervention by counseling staff Guidance conference Individual/group counseling
    Peer mediation
    Mentoring program
    Conflict resolution
    Development of individual behavior contract or Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP)
    Short-term behavioral progress reports
    Referral to PPS(Pupil Personnel Team)
    Referral to a Community Based Organization (CBO)
    Referral to appropriate substance abuse counseling services
    Referral to outside counseling services for youth relationship abuse or sexual violence
    Referral to counseling services for bias-based bullying, intimidation, or harassment

    Support for students transitioning from suspension
    Students returning from suspension should be provided with supportive services to maximize their ability to meet social and academic standards within the school community.
    Support services may include any of the range of guidance interventions or a combination of services as best meets the needs of the individual student.

    Grade 7 -12 Level 4 Infractions-Dangerous or Violent


    Creating a substantial risk of serious injury by either recklessly engaging in behavior, and/or using an object that appears capable of causing physical injury (e.g. lighter, belt buckle, or umbrella)
    Causing a serious injury by either recklessly engaging in behavior, and/or using an object that appears capable of causing physical injury
    Starting a fire
    Inciting/causing a riot
    Possessing or selling any weapon as defined in Category 2
    Using controlled substances without appropriate authorization, or using illegal drugs and/or alcohol
    Engaging in a pattern of persistent Level 3 behavior (Whenever possible and appropriate, prior to imposing a Level 4 disciplinary response, school officials should have exhausted the disciplinary responses in Level 3. Further, repeated Level 3 infractions are limited to Level 4 disciplinary responses)

    Range of Possible Disciplinary Responses

    results in immediate reinstatement suspension that

    results in continued suspension for a

    fixed period of 6-10 school days

    results in extended suspension for 30-90 school days with an automatic review for early reinstatement after 30 or 60 school days

    Superin results in a one year suspension and assignment to a Long Term Suspension Center for students in grades 7-12 with an automatic review for early reinstatement after 6 months

    results in a one year suspension and assignment to a Long Term Suspension Center for students in grades 7-12 without the possibility for early reinstatement

    Police Notification

    Range of Possible Counseling Interventions

    Parent Outreach
    Intervention by counseling staff Guidance conference
    Individual/group counseling
    Peer mediation
    Mentoring program
    Conflict resolution
    Development of individual behavior contract or Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP)
    Short-term behavioral progress reports Referral to PPS(Pupil Personnel Team) Referral to a Community Based Organization (CBO)
    Referral to appropriate substance abuse counseling services
    Referral to outside counseling services for youth relationship abuse or sexual violence
    Referral to counseling services for bias- based bullying, intimidation, or harassment

    Support for students transitioning from suspension
    Students returning from suspension should be provided with supportive services to maximize their ability to meet social and academic standards within the school community. Support services may include any of the range of guidance interventions or a combination of services as best meets the needs of the individual student.

    Grade 7 -12 Level 5

    Infractions Seriously Dangerous or Violent Behavior

    Threatening to use or using force to take or attempt to take property belonging to another
    Using force against or inflicting or attempting to inflict serious injury against school personnel or school safety agents

    Using extreme force against or inflicting or attempting to inflict serious injury upon students or others. Planning, instigating or participating in an incident of group violence Engaging in threatening, dangerous or violent behavior that is gang- related
    Engaging in physical sexual aggression/compelling or forcing another to engage in sexual activity Selling or distributing illegal drugs or controlled substances
    Possessing or selling any weapon, other than a firearm, as defined in Category 1
    Using any weapon as defined in Category 2 to threaten or to attempt to inflict injury upon school personnel, students or others
    Using any weapon, other than a firearm, as defined in Category 1, to threaten or to attempt to inflict injury upon school personnel, students or others
    Possessing or using a firearm

    Range of Possible Disciplinary Responses

    suspension that results in continued suspension for a fixed period of 6-10 school days
    suspension that results in extended suspension for 30-90 school days with an automatic review for early reinstatement after 30-60 school days suspension that results in a one year suspension and assignment to a Long Term Suspension Center for students in grades 7-12 with an automatic review for early reinstatement after 6 months
    suspension that results in a one year suspension and assignment to a Long Term Suspension Center for students in grades 7-12 without the possibility of early reinstatement Expulsion
    Police notification

    Range of Possible Counseling Interventions

    Parent Outreach
    Intervention by counseling staff Guidance conference Individual/group counseling
    Peer mediation
    Mentoring program
    Conflict resolution
    Development of individual behavior contract or Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP)
    Short-term behavioral progress reports
    Referral to PPS(Pupil Personnel Team)
    Referral to a Community Based Organization (CBO)
    Referral to appropriate substance abuse counseling services
    Referral to outside counseling services for youth relationship abuse or sexual violence
    Referral to counseling services for bias-based bullying, intimidation, or harassment

    Support for students transitioning from suspension
    Students returning from suspension should be provided with supportive services to maximize their ability to meet social and academic standards within the school community.
    Support services may include any of the range of guidance interventions or a combination of services as best meets the needs of the individual student.