Tuesday, March 24, 2015
1. Write and original and complex sentence for "choler" to "augment"
2. Read AIR Book
3. Study for Friday's Vocabylary Quiz
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
1. Write and original and complex sentence for "gall" to "solidify"
2. Read AIR Book
3. Study for Friday's Vocabylary Quiz
March 27, 2015 QUIZ: choler, prodigious, shrine, wanton, marred, languish, siege, assail, posterity, augment, gall, tyranny, propagate, purge, strife, toil, mutiny, lament, assertive, ostensibly,
Running Vocabulary List from Lord of the Flies: mirage, specious, enmity, incredulous, grave, martyr, festoon, nimble, furtive, indignant, dubious, swarthy, tacit, ravenous, lament, clamor
Quiz 2: decorum, swath, crestfallen, sage, glower, loiter, demure, vex, torrid, writhe, rebuke, myopic/myopia, truculent, ensconce, infamous, patently, protocol, degenerate/degeneration, circuitous
Running Vocabulary List from St. Lucy's: couth, kempt, austere, exuberant, sinewy, languid, purgatory, virulent, latent, aptitude, reverie, colloquial, sanction, confound, ominous, meek, exultant, ostracize, menace, eradicate, oblique, induce
Running Vocabulary List from Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: eloquent, accord, petition, demarcate, shrewd, impudent, vindicate, precipitate, besiege, barren, disparage, pejorative, moniker