Health Services

  • Welcome to Colby Salzano's Health Office

    Contact information:

    • Office #631-591-4622.
    • Fax    #631-591-4652.

    Students planning to play a school sport:

    All athletes must have an updated physical. If the student went to their personal physician this past year, please submit a copy of the physical to the Health Office as soon as possible. All sections of Final Forms must be completed and signed before any student attends tryouts. The same rules apply for each sports season.

    All 9th and 11th grade students:

    NYS requires all 9th and 11th grade students to have an updated physical. Physicals conducted after Sept. 6th of last year fulfill this requirement. It is also recommended all 10th grade students receive a dental exam. Physical and dental forms were mailed home at the end of last year. Additional forms are available in the Health Office and can be found under the NYS Health Exam link.

    New Students: 

    NYS requires all new and transfer students to have an updated physical. Physicals conducted after Sept. 6th of last year fulfill this requirement. Physical forms are available in the Health Office and can be found under the NYS Health Exam link.

    All 12th Grade Students:

    NYS requires all 12th grade students to have proof of having been given the Meningococcal vaccine. The vaccine to prevent meningitis.
    Students entering 12th grade must have either: 2 doses of Meningococcal vaccine with the booster given on or after age 16; or 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine if child's 1st dose was given on or after age 16.

    Visual and Hearing Screening Policy: 

    All 11th grade and new students will have vision and hearing screenings performed at the beginning of the school year. Parents/guardians will be notified of impaired results with a referral letter sent home from the Health Office. Please provide the nurse with the results and recommendations from the follow up exam with their optician/opthalmologist.

    Thank you and have a great year!!
    Colby Salzano, RN