School Plans
Each of the San Rafael City Schools spends a significant amount of time developing a Single Plan for Student Achievemnt (SPSA). The SPSA is a schoolwide plan of action intended to improve the academic performance of all students. State guidelines require that the SPSA include the following components:
Identification of site-specific achievement goals based on a variety of student performance data.
Description of specific instructional strategies to accelerate student learning.
Description of the ways in which student progress will be monitored on a regular basis.
Identification of interventions for students not achieving.
Determination of the necessary professional development for staff.
Delineation of strategies for parent communication and involvement.
Estimation of costs and funding sources.
Consultation with other site advisory groups.
SPSAs are developed, reviewed, and revised collaboratively by the School Site Council (SSC).
A School Site council (SSC) is a legally-required community group that provides school staff members, parents, community members, and students a voice in improving achievement.
SSC Overview PowerPoint