Vaughn Attendance Guidelines

2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR  

COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE- In the State of Washington, school attendance is compulsory for children 8 years and older. The Washington State truancy law, otherwise known as The Becca Bill, requires schools to notify parents and make a plan when there are unexcused absences recorded. The Peninsula School District believes that regular school attendance is necessary for mastery of educational programs provided to students of the District. It is our desire to work with families to ensure compulsory attendance for our students. At Vaughn we believe that students who are on time and attend school regularly will build a foundation for academic and social success. Thank you for your support and cooperation in our efforts to ensure good attendance at Vaughn Elementary School.

  • When your child is absent, it is important for parents to contact your school’s attendance line. If your school’s office has not heard from a parent by 9:30am on the date of the absence, parents will receive a robocall.  

  • Planned Absence Request Forms must be received one week in advance to the main office to be considered for approval.  Two weeks if the request will be for more than 5 school days.  Forms are available in the main office and on the PSD website.  

START TIME:   9:00 a.m. Mon, Tues, Thurs & Friday,  10:00 a.m. on Late Start Wednesdays.    If not enrolled in the YMCA program please do not drop off students before 8:50 a.m. or  9:50 a.m. on Wednesday. 

DISMISSAL TIME:   3:30 p.m. daily, 12:15 p.m. (After lunch is served) on early dismissal days


    Parents are asked to send a note with their student in the morning if they will be leaving early or 
    if they will be picked up by someone other than a parent or guardian. The office must be notified  
    by phone no later than 2:00 p.m. Students will not be released after 3:00 p.m.


*Excused Tardies: Illness, dental, or medical appointments are considered valid reasons to be tardy.
*Unexcused Tardies: Oversleeping, traffic, missing the bus, and socializing are examples of  
unexcused tardies. Please be aware that 5 unexcused tardies are equal to 1 absence.        

*All Tardies: All late arriving students must be accompanied into the school and signed in at the office.


*Excused Absence: Illness or bereavement, religious holiday, planned absences with 1 week prior approval by the principal.
  A call must be made to the attendance line daily to excuse absences.
*Unexcused Absences: Oversleeping, missing the bus and unapproved planned absences (Vacation).
*Unverified Absence:  An absence not accompanied by a parent phone call. An unverified absence will convert to an
unexcused absence unless the office is notified within 48 hours.  

Unexcused Absences                                          Action by Vaughn Elementary School
1st  unexcused absence                                     Phone call, letter mailed home
2nd  unexcused absence in 30 day period      Conference, second letter mailed home
7th  unexcused absence in one month, or       Truancy stay petition filed with court
15th in one school year                                       Becca Bill Procedures Followed

If unexcused absences continue a Full Petition with courts will be filed as per the Becca Bill 

Excused Absences                                                Action by Vaughn Elementary School
5 excused absences in 30 day period               Attendance Conference /phone.
5 excused absences                                             Notification Phone Call/Letter

10 excused absences                                          Attendance Conference/Attendance Contract