Student "Go Home" Plan
On the first day of school, your child will be bringing home a yellow 1/2 sheet for parents/guardians to fill out. This will be your students Permanent "Go Home Plan". We will file and refer to this plan during the school year. Please fill this form out and send it back to the school, the following day.
If you child needs to change their "Go Home Plan" it is best to send a signed note with your child that includes the following:
Student’s Name
Teacher’s Name
How the student is going home, and how long is this plan intended for, i.e. just for the day OR specific days
Additional information to be included on the note:
If your student is taking a bus, please tell us what bus number they will be riding and the name of the stop.
If you are picking up your student, please let us know if you want "Parent Pick Up" outside or in the office. You may be asked to show I.D. in the Parent Pick Up Line or in the office.
If your child is getting picked up by another parent or going home with another student, please include the other parties name (i.e. name of other student’s parent include first and last).
Please provide contact information such as a phone number on the notes so we can call if there are any questions regarding your students "Go Home Plans."
If someone else besides Parents/guardians listed as regular pick up will be at Vaughn for pick-up, provide the office with the name and please make sure they are listed on the emergency contact information.
Learning happens all day long, and attendance is very important. Please don’t plan to pick up your student before 3:30pm. If you need to pick up your student early from school, or change your students “Go Home Plan” please call the front office by 2:00pm to make arrangements. Students will not be released after 3:00pm.
Vaughn office phone number is 243.530.4700
Thank you for helping us get your student home safely!