School News

COVID-19 Update: Thursday, September 17th, 2020

COVID-19 Update: Thursday, September 17th, 2020

  September 17th, 2020 Dear Panther Families,  As you know, the information and guidance we receive regarding COVID-19 changes regularly as our experts continue to learn more about the virus. Pioneer remains dedicated to providing our campus community with the most updated and relevant information to ensure clear and consistent […]

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COVID-19 UPDATE: September 10th, 2020

September 10, 2020  Dear Panther Families,  This afternoon, Governor Bullock’s office released Outbreak Response Protocol Guidance for K-12 schools. This guidance highlights many mitigation strategies that Pioneer already has in place, but with a few updates. These updates are now reflected in our COVID-19 Guidelines (below). The full guidance document […]

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Regular Board Meeting Agenda September 14th, 2020

Regular Board Meeting Agenda September 14th, 2020

PIONEER SCHOOL DISTRICT #41 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14.2020 Regular meeting will start at 4:30 pm. Pioneer School Main Building – Classroom #106 and Via Zoom   Any person present who wished to address the board or raise any question about public school district matters or governing policies […]

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COVID UPDATE: September 1, 2020

COVID UPDATE: September 1, 2020

On September 1, 2020, the Pioneer School District was notified a staff member had possible close contact with a positive COVID-19 case. The School District and the staff member have acted in accordance with the recommendation from our county health department since receiving that information and the staff member will […]

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September 1, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda

September 1, 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda

PIONEER SCHOOL DISTRICT #41 SPECIAL BOARD MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 Pioneer School Main Building – Room 106 Special meeting will start at 4:30 pm.    Topic: Special Meeting Time: Sep 1, 2020 04:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)   Join Zoom Meeting   Meeting ID: 820 […]

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COVID UPDATE: August 23, 2020

COVID UPDATE: August 23, 2020

August 23, 2020 Dear Panther Families,  Earlier today, Riverstone Health and School District 2 held a press conference highlighting data points that will be used to determine potential school closure in Yellowstone County. The Pioneer School District will continue to focus on our new protocols and increased sanitation measures to […]

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