COVID 19 Update

COVID-19 Update: Thursday, September 17th, 2020

COVID Update


September 17th, 2020

Dear Panther Families, 

As you know, the information and guidance we receive regarding COVID-19 changes regularly as our experts continue to learn more about the virus. Pioneer remains dedicated to providing our campus community with the most updated and relevant information to ensure clear and consistent communication to keep our staff and students safe. 

After many conversations with our county health department as well as speaking with other schools, we have decided to alter our temperature screening protocol. As more information regarding COVID-19  virus emerges, we are learning that the virus doesn’t necessarily always present itself in the form of a fever. While this continues to be a symptom in some positive COVID-19 cases, it is not the case in all. 

Beginning Monday, September 21st, 2020 temperatures will no longer be taken prior to entering the buildings or bus. Instead, we are asking that our parents help us by temperature screening their students at home. Pioneer staff will continue to temperature screen students/staff should other symptoms present themselves.  

As always, we appreciate your support as we navigate these unprecedented challenges. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. 

Be well, Panthers!


Melissa Schnitzmeier

Principal/Superintendent, Pioneer Elementary

Email: [email protected]