Did you know that there are 318 students attending Wilson School? Every day we encourage students and recognize them for showing the Wilson Way (being Respectful, Responsible, Compassionate, and Safe). We also monitor from month to month the percent of students showing the Wilson Way. Did you know that of the 318 students, 94% or 300 have never had an office referral from September 9 - October 9? We are very proud of all of our students and have particularly recognized those who have never received an office referral with a personal note written on a post card from the principal. It's just one small way of saying "Thank You" for the big way students are being Respectful, Responsible, Compassionate, and Safe!
Mr. Aaron Ruff
1102 E. Fourth Street,
Ottumwa, IA 52501
Driving directions
Phone: 641-684-5441
Fax: 641-684-4934
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