Our PBIS school theme for the month of April has been Make Wilson Shine. Each Thursday in April, Wilson students did neighborhood clean-ups. The culminating event was a field trip to Sycamore Park for a clean-up and picnic event. "This great occasion afforded opportunity for our students to give back to the community," said Principal Jeff Hendred. "Hats off to you for the effort you put forth."
The PBIS theme for May is Make a Splash. We start the month with a splash through the Stamp Out Hunger Campaign. This is a community effort sponsored by the U.S. Postal Service. We will also make a big splash the first week of May with our book fair and the gift of books from the First United Methodist Church. On May 30, Dizzy the Clown will join us as we make a motivational splash for summer reading. Our last big splash will be our PBIS celebration at The Beach on May 31.