Students to Compete in Annual Book Bowl

The 16th Annual Ottumwa Bulldog Book Bowl, sponsored by the district’s media specialists, will be held on Tuesday, April 18 at 4 p.m. in the Ottumwa High School cafeteria. Teams from Ottumwa School District elementary schools will find out who knows the most about nine selected Children’s Choice Award books when they compete. 

The bowl is a quiz-type competition for fifth graders. Schools select teams of up to six fifth grade students to represent their school. Students read and study the books with a school sponsor. During competition, students use the titles of each book to answer questions. Prizes are awarded and all participants receive a certificate.

The nine books selected for this year’s competition include:  “A Week in the Woods” by Andrew Clements, “The Fourteenth Goldfish” by Jennifer Holm, “Fish in a Tree” by Lynda Mullaly Hunt, “Dash” by Kirby Larso, “Rain Reign” by Ann Martin, “All the Answers” by Kate Messner, “Esperanza Rising” by Pam Munoz Ryan, “Jake and Lily” by Jerry Spinelli, and “Loot: How to Steal a Fortune” by Jude Watson.
