Parents Invited to Internet Safety Presentation

Parents Invited to Internet Safety Presentation

The Iowa Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force will present an internet safety presentation to all Ottumwa parents and interested community members on Wednesday, December 10 in the Ottumwa High School auditorium at 6 p.m.

The task force, in partnership with the Iowa Attorney General's Office, is a strong community resource in the effort to educate the general public and law enforcement about the risks and potential hazards that are present while on-line. Their goal is to increase awareness of the recommended safeguards that can help to prevent the victimization of children.

The basic theme of the presentation is personal safety and choices, communication with parents, and a section on cyber-bullying. Topics will include: SnapChat, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Twitter, YouTube, online gaming, leaving a digital fingerprint on the Internet, and several other currently popular sights and challenges facing today's youth.

Students at Evans Middle School will also hear this information on Wednesday during two school presentations.