Prime Time Youth Care Open During Spring Break

PTYC will offer a vareity of fun and enriching activities during Spring Break. 

On Monday, students can take a trip to The Beach Ottumwa for an afternoon of water fun. Cost is an additional $5 for the field trip. This includes bus and admission fee. On Tuesday, students can take a trip to Iowa City to ice skate and tour the Children's Museum. There is an additional fee of $15 for this field trip. Fee includes bus and admission fees. The trip is limited to 40 students. See Becky for sign up information. On Wednesday, Dizzy The Clown will be on site. Students will be able to Dizzercise with Dizzy. On Thursday, Annette Wittrock will be on hand from Pioneer Ridge Nature Center. 

Full and half day program fees apply during the week. Lunch will cost $3 each day. See the menu for details. The center is closed Friday for the holiday. 

For more information, contact Becky at 641-682-4502.