Bulldog Belief Award - 11/15/19

Bulldog Belief Award - 11/15/19

Students at James Elementary School are recognized weekly for representing the school’s Bulldog Beliefs.  The James “Bulldog Beliefs” include being Responsible, Compassionate, Respectful, and Safe.


Students are recognized during the Friday morning announcements and called to the office to receive their certificate and pencil.  Their photo is also displayed each day on the scrolling announcements located near the office for peers and parents to view.


Bulldog Belief Award winners for the week of November 11 are Archer Bennett, Zach Grouette, Kennadie Carlberg, Acaylia Balis, Juany Meneces, Shannon Jameson, Traevion Parker, Anthony Houk Jackson, Abby Wiley, Astrid Carrillo, and Desmond Abongwa.