Students at James Elementary School are recognized weekly for representing the school’s Bulldog Beliefs. The James “Bulldog Beliefs” include being Responsible, Compassionate, Respectful, and Safe.
Students are recognized during the Friday morning announcements and called to the office to receive their certificate and pencil. Their photo is displayed each day on the scrolling announcements located near the office for peers and parents to view.
Award winners for the week of February 11 are McKenzie Nelson, Jase Stokes-Buchanan, Pablo Cortez-Rogel, Bentley O'Connor, Clena Digno, Oscar Garcia, Shanae Marshall, Jose Oropeza-Lindner, Daniel Herman, and Madison Bishop.
Special recognition goes out to Daniel Herman. Daniel won the award twice this week. Both Mrs. Harsch and Mrs. Ver Steegh nominated him for representing our bulldog beliefs.