Students Celebrate One Day Early

Students and staff at James Elementary in Ottumwa, Iowa celebrated Thanksgiving in a big way on Wednesday thanks to Ottumwa’s South Hy-Vee.

Hy-Vee donated a Thanksgiving meal with all of the trimmings for every student in the building. The Elks Club of Ottumwa donated all of the table service. Students all ate together with the building’s staff serving them. Students also completed a “thankful tree” to record all of the things that they are thankful for.

This Thanksgiving Feast was in recognition of the success that students have had with the implementation of the Bulldog Beliefs at James School. The Bulldog Beliefs are a part of the Ottumwa Schools' Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, or PBIS, a system of instruction, intervention, and support to increase positive behavior and culture within the school. James students are being recognized each month for positive behavior. So far in the 2017 school year, 90% of students are meeting expectations.

The staff and students of James thank Hy-Vee and the Elks for their support and generous donation.

Students create a thankful tree for the holiday.