Hallway Expectation Video is Complete!

Hallway Expectation Video is Complete!

Aiden Anderson, Ella Green and Rhianna Mims are members of the Technology Club ran by Erin Adams. Together with Alba Anderson, they created a video on hallway expectations. One of the challenges of making a video is that it has to appeal to students grades K-5th. It became clear that to appeal to most students we needed to get suggestions from students. The Kids Choice Award is something that all students seemed to know or be familiar with. Using that format also allowed for classes to be nominated and be recognized in a positive manner. Each class that is nominated should be very proud! For the first video, the three focused on hallway expectations and used the Kids Choice Awards format.

Aiden, Ella and Rhianna are excited to help their peers and future students learn the school expectations. This is the first video of many to come that cover all the school expectations.The video allows the environment of the school to be predictable, using common language and experiences to share the expectations. Videos displaying proper expectations are a very useful strategy. It will be easier for students to understand and remember the expectations when they are the same in the entire school and they are viewed periodically. Teachers will use the videos as well as positive reinforcement to help students remember what the school expectations are.


Click here to watch the video.