One School, One Book Starts Today!

Zoey and Arietta show off their books.

Zoey and Arietta show off their books.

Our school is about to take part in a special shared reading event. Every student will receive a copy of the same book–Save Me A Seat by Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarajan–and will be asked to read it together at home over the next few weeks. Save Me A Seat is a book about different perspectives, told by two boys from different cultures. It’s a book about friendship and classroom dynamics. Read to find out why Ravi and Joe call themselves ‘zebras!’

Look for Remind messages with trivia and discussion questions along with the daily reading assignment and links to videos. We also have themed days to celebrate the culmination of One School/One Book. You can also access the Digital Resource Hub for Save Me A Seat at Password: Dillon6.

Mrs. Duff's class with books.