Meet Mrs. Tait

Meet Mrs. Tait

Mrs. Christina Tait

Each week Horace Mann features a "Staff Person of the Week" and this week, we recognize Mrs. Christina Tait, Music Teacher!

Mrs. Tait's favorite activities include riding her bike and yoga.  Her favorite movie is "Avatar" and her favorite color is indigo.  Mrs. Tait's favorite snacks are Rosemary and Garlic Hummus Chips.  Her favorite book is A Wrinkle in Time.  It is Mrs. Tait's dream to ride the train to San Francisco, California, and stay in Watsonville to learn more about yoga therapy and/or ayurvedic medicine.  She also wants to visit Costa Rica and the Galapagos Islands.

Mrs. Tait gets to park in the Reserved Parking spot this week.  She also receives compliments, gratitude, kind words, and jokes from her colleagues.  Students can write kind thoughts to Mrs. Tait on the "Staff Person of the Week" board in the hallway.  Parents can, to, if you stop by!