Meet Mrs. Buller

Meet Mrs. Buller

Mrs. Sara Buller

Each week, Horace Mann features a "Staff Person of the Week" and this week, we recognize Mrs. Sara Buller, Building Secretary!

Mrs. Buller's favorite activities are riding her bike, gardening, and reading.  Her favorite movie is "Little Women".  Her favorite snack is nuts; all kinds of nuts!  And, her favorite color is purple.  If you were to ask her favorite book, it is There Are No Bears In This Bakery, which you can check out in the library.  It's her Birthday Book!  It is Mrs. Buller's dream to make a difference!  And then to retire, travel, and visit friends and family!

Mrs. Buller gets to park in the Reserved Parking spot this week.  She also receives compliments, gratitude, kind words, and jokes from her colleagues.  Students can write kind thoughts to Mrs. Buller on the "Staff Person of the Week" board in the hallway.  Parents can too, if you stop by!