Inventors Compete at State Competition

Inventors Compete at State Competition

Horace Mann participants

Students from Liberty, Horace Mann, and  Evans Middle School participated in the Invent Iowa competition in Iowa City on Thursday. Seven students from the Ottumwa district were selected to attend the state competition, including:  Emma Neis, Katelin Valentine, and Sydney Rockhold, Liberty; Talise Plate and Elise Hayes, Horace Mann; and Sara McElroy and Joslyn Roberts, Evans Middle School.

The students competed against 150 students from across the state. Only three students from Iowa will advance to national competition. No student from Ottumwa was selected.


Invent Iowa participants from Liberty Elementary, Emma Neis, Katelin Valentine, and Sydney Rockhold

Liberty Elementary participants

Invent Iowa participants from Horace Mann Elementary, Talise Plate and Elise Hayes

 Evans Middle School participants