180 Days - We Love Our School Because . . .

180 Days - We Love Our School Because . . .

A project at Eisenhower Elementary helped students recognize the many positive attributes of their school. Their comments will be shared with parents during Parent-Teacher Conferences and kindergarten open house.

Each class brainstormed what makes Eisenhower a great school. The classes then narrowed their list to the top five responses. “The project helped students consider the many good things about their school,” said Principal Dana Warnecke. “From classroom learning to relationships with peers, they realized how fortunate they are to be students in the Ottumwa district.”

Fifth graders Megan Ward and Mia Garza said, “We love Eisenhower because we start every school day together in the gym recognizing students and staff members with bucket grams.” The students shared that their class listed all the things students liked, then came to consensus on their top five.  Ward, a student at Eisenhower since kindergarten, said "the school is a great community."

Garza came to Eisenhower in third grade. “I love how everyone is so respectful,” she said. “The staff cares about you.”