An enterprising group of fifth graders at Eisenhower Elementary are taking their passion for bracelet making and raising funds to help children at Blank Children’s Hospital.
Seven fifth graders are making loom bracelets out of small rubber bands and selling them. Proceeds will be used to purchase items on the Child Life Wish List, published by Blank Children’s Hospital in Des Moines.
The group started their bracelet-making at the end of fourth grade and raised $60. Students met with Principal Warnecke this week to talk through their idea and pick a project so support. After picking the hospital, students created posters to promote their project. Today, they also presented the project to the student body during the school’s daily morning announcements.
The seven students purchase their own bands, or have them donated by friends or family members. Their goal is to raise between $500 and $1,000. Bracelet makers include Ean Elammari, Ellie Barnes, Mia Garza, Violet Hougland, Zoe DeVore, Alison Cutsforth, and Peyton Harness.