Members of Eisenhower Elementary’s Student Council were ringing bells for the Salvation Army at North Hy-Vee late Thursday afternoon.
The activity aligns with the council’s goal to be involved in the community. Students rang bells for two hours in 30 minute shifts. Principal Dana Warnecke and Guidance Counselor Jim Schlarbaum assisted.
The students enjoyed mastering the technique of bell ringing. “If you keep ringing [the bell] a lot it won’t get stuck,” said Josie Aljets, 8. Violet Hougland, 12, played “Jingle Bells” while ringing her bell.
“We made it fun,” Hougland said.
Students felt they were successful in raising funds for a good cause. Support also included many Eisenhower families and teachers. “It was great seeing Eisenhower students coming and helping raise money,” said Nora Palen, 10. Megan Ward noted that many donors made $20 contributions. Aljets enjoyed raising money to help the Salvation Army purchase Christmas presents.
While collecting money was the primary goal, students also enjoyed greeting the customers. Donors received a mint for their donation. “I liked seeing all the happy faces,” said Noah Whitehead, 8.
Students in grades third, fourth, and fifth serve half year terms on student council to allow for increased student involvement. They have several projects scheduled in December, including Crazy Hair Day, Monday Gum Day, and a movie night on December 20. Fundraising goes directly to support the students of Eisenhower, including purchasing playground equipment for both indoor and outdoor use.