Treat reminder

Douma Families:

We are very excited about our classroom FALL parties tomorrow and our Title Family Trunk or Treat event!! Classrooms will be celebrating before the Title event. As a reminder, School Board policy requires all food items to be prepared in a commerical kitchen and individually wrapped. If your family would like to make a treat bag, all items must be individually wrapped as well. Cupcakes/cakes prepared in a commercial kitchen (ie. Walmart, HyVee) brought in the store packaging are considered individually wrapped. The board policy language is noted below:

Code No. 507.9: Wellness Policy (in part)

The following nutritional guidelines campuses will be adhered to:

  • It is our policy to promote good nutrition and a healthy school environment in all aspects of the school day. When bringing treats and snacks to the classroom for other students, parents are asked to ensure snacks are nutritious and safe for individual students (i.e. special diets, allergies, diabetic, monitoring calories, gluten free, etc.) Examples of healthy snacks include fresh fruit and vegetables (no nuts), cheese, beef sticks, crackers, pretzels, 100% juice, etc. Snacks must be commercially prepared and individually packaged to ensure proper sanitation.
  • Schools will only allow marketing and advertising of foods and beverages that meet the Smart Snacks in school nutritional standards on campus during the school day.