180 Days - Buddies Share Kindness Activity

180 Days - Buddies Share Kindness Activity

“You guys are here for your master spelling and writing abilities,” said Lauren Strathman, a fifth grade teacher at Liberty Elementary. She was reminding her class why they were helping their kindergarten buddies in Mrs. Mason’s class at Douma.

The short walk between Douma and Liberty provides an opportunity for students in upper and lower grades to work together. Today, fifth graders spent an hour helping their buddies create Valentine cards to give to residents at Vista Woods. Liberty students are doing random acts of kindness next week during the national week of kindness. Kindergarten students in Mrs. Mason’s class do a random act of kindness each month. The projects seemed like a great opportunity for the two groups of students to work together.

The two classes are spending time together throughout the year, collaborating on projects, getting to know each other, and forming relationships. The fifth graders arrived, found their kindergarten buddy, and went straight to work. Both teachers were impressed. “They are so productive,” said Strathman.

Madeline Gailtan-Renovato and Bremilin DeLeon-Cruz have worked together before. “She knew I was going to pick her,” said Gailtan-Renovato, a kindergartener.

“I like spending time with my kindergarten buddy,” said DeLeon-Cruz.

Mason provided the groups with a variety of supplies to decorate red construction paper hearts. Stickers were very popular with both girls and boys. “We are going to put on a lot of stickers,” said Tony Chavez, a kindergartener. He planned to use every color available. Over 20 hearts will be delivered to Vista Woods before Valentine’s Day.

“This is their favorite thing,” said Strathman about her fifth grade class.