The Ottumwa High School students have successfully hosted their third-annual Mental Wellness Expo last Saturday, April 15th. The event aimed to raise awareness of mental health and provide resources for the community to improve their mental wellness.
The expo was led by a group of dedicated high school students in “Stomp Out Stigma” who worked tirelessly to make the event a reality. They set up 28 resource booths that offered valuable information and services related to mental health. Attendees had access to resources for all ages, including therapy services, support groups, and self-care resources.
The Mental Wellness Expo also featured various activities for children, including games, crafts, and a succulent workshop. The students also organized an "unmasked" art show, which showcased the artwork of fellow students who bravely shared their struggles with mental health. The art show aimed to break down the stigma surrounding mental illness and encourage individuals to seek help.
The Mental Wellness Expo was a resounding success, with over 300 attendees who came to show their support for the cause. The organizers received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from the community, highlighting the importance of the event in promoting mental wellness.
"This was a fantastic event, and I am proud of our students for their hard work and dedication to this cause," said Superintendent Mike McGrory. "It's essential that we continue to raise awareness about mental health and provide resources for those who need it. I’d like to personally thank Kolby Streeby and her group of students that led this event. The Mental Wellness Expo is an excellent example of how we can come together as a community to support each other."
The Ottumwa High School students plan to continue hosting the Mental Health Expo annually to promote mental wellness and continue the conversation about mental health in the community for them to be their best.