Teacher Quality Minutes 11/1/2022


Teacher Quality Minutes

November 1, 2022 


Members present: Melinda Padley-Jones, Maria Lantz, Aaron Deutsch, Jordan Buell, Marci Dunlap, Melanie Dalbey, Brett Fischels, Brad McCloskey. Jeremy Allar, Kathryn Streeby

Meeting was called to order at 3:45.

All members then introduced themselves and discussed what’s going well in the school district. 

Mrs .Lantz led a discussion about previous ideas for TQ focus. After reflecting in small groups it was decided to use the remaining funds for PD (not voted formally where) and use second semester to help streamline a process for teacher evaluation. 

The team discussed the idea of sending staff members to a PLC conference in June. The team will formally vote in January on this idea. 

The team determined to not meet in December as data will be gathered using survey devices throughout December. 

The meeting was adjourned at 4:43pm