Teacher Quality Minutes
October 4, 2022
Members present: Melinda Padley-Jones, Maria Lantz, Aaron Deutsch, Jordan Buell, Marci Dunlap, Melainie Dalbey, Brett Fischels, Brad McCloskey.
Meeting was called to order at 3:46.
All members then introduced themselves and discussed what’s going well in the school district.
Mr. McCloskey then led the discussion concerning TQ roles and responsibilities outlined by the Department of Education. The team determined areas of opportunity within the responsibilities. The team will gather feedback on areas to focus on within the responsibilities for the November TQ meeting.
The team discussed feedback from September professional development and areas of opportunity to best support staff. The consideration will be used in planning for professional development in the future.
Mrs. Lantz had members vote on what to have on our TQ page in the Ottumwa website. The team voted unanimously for Option B.
The meeting was adjourned at 4: 48pm