Still Openings in Summer Band

music notes

Band students entering grades 6-9 can still sign up to participate in the Ottumwa Summer Band program. Students may sign up for beginning band (less than 6 months of playing) or advanced band. Beginning band will focus on learning notes and rhythms and is available at either Evans or Wilson Elementary. Advanced band students meets at Evans and will concentrate on sight reading and preparing full band music. Pam De Boer, 5th and 6th grade band director is pleased to be able to offer the following schedule:

Tuesday/Thursday at Evans from May 31- June 30:

  • 8-8:50    Beginning Woodwinds 
  • 9-9:50    Beginning Brass
  • 10-10:50    Beginning Percussion
  • 11-11:50    Advanced Band

Wednesday/Friday at Wilson Elementary from June 1 – July 1:

  • 8-8:50    Beginning Woodwinds 
  • 9-9:50    Beginning Brass
  • 10-10:50    Beginning Percussion

Please contact Pam De Boer at [email protected] with questions or to sign up.  You may also just drop in and play!  Keep your band skills sharp during the summer break!