During the April 11 school board meeting, a public meeting was held on Ottumwa's 2022/23 Certified Budget. Information was also shared regarding plans to improve traffic flow and student drop off and pick up at Pickwick Early Childhood Center.
Board members took action on the following items:
- Approved the certified budget for the 2022-23 school year of $108,212,189. The proposed tax rate for Ottumwa residents is $14.10769.
- Approved the 2020-21 audit report, as presented by CFO John Berg.
- Approved the recommendation to raise the price of adult meals from $3.85 to $3.95 to stay in compliance with state required increases.
- Approved a rate increase for the district's Prime Time Youth Care program. This program is an enterprise fund, meaning it must be self-sustaining through parent fees.
- The board rejected all bids for the proposed Evans multi-purpose facility. The Facility Committee's recommendation was based on reduced numbers of students to be served after the district reconfigures grades served at both Liberty and Evans. The committee is also investigating the possibilitly of building a competition gym at Ottumwa High School.
- The board approved an architect agreement with Legat Architects for the addition of a grade 3-5 facility at Douma.
- The board approved the hiring of Carl A. Nelson & Co. from Burlington to serve as construction manager for the Douma project.
- Approved the contract for fiber internet through Mediacom for 36 months.
- Approved the bid from Park Planet for the replacement of playgrounds at Eisenhower, Horace Mann and James Elementary at a total cost of $939,220 to be completed prior to start of school on August 23, 2022. This project will be funded with ESSER resources. Park Planet is also working on future projects at Pickwick for a kindergarten playground and Douma.