Employees of the Month - April

Gary Chidester

This week, five Ottumwa staff members were presented Employee of the Month awards by Superintendent Mike McGrory. These staff members were nominated by a student, parent, or fellow staff member for continually going above and beyond for our students, staff, and families. Each received an Ottumwa gift bag featuring a variety of OCSD promotional items. 

The Employees of the Month for April include:  Gary Chidester, long term subtitute at Ottumwa High School; Cayla Glosser, associate at Liberty Elementary; Angela Hoover, orchestra teacher; Lisa Lott, second grade teacher at Wilson Elementary; and Meadow Ream, Family Service Advocate for Ottumwa Schools.  

The five staff members will be recognized by the Ottumwa Board of Education at their next meeting on Monday, April 25. The recognition will be done at the beginning of the meeting. Family members, co-workers, and community members are encouraged to attend to show their support and appreciation of these employees.  


cayla glosser

Cayla Glosser

angela hoover

Angela Hoover

lisa lott

Lisa Lott 

meadow ream

Meadow Ream