Students Compete at District Speech Competition

Three Guys in Ties

Three Guys in Ties

Several OHS students competed in state speech competition this past weekend. Students and their ratings included:

  • "Three Guys in Ties" featuring Quintin Hull, Trey Hull, and Roderick Rath earned a straight I rating. They were also selected to perform at the Iowa High School Speech Association's All-State Festival in Ames. 
  • "Time Flies" featuring Kaya Baca, Lorna Bauer, and Roderick Rath earned a straight I rating.

  • "Just Cloning Around" featuring Quintin Hull and Trey Hull earned a mixed I rating.

  • "Partners in Crime" featuring Lorna Bauer and Cole Denner earned a mixed I rating.
  • "Almost" featuring Cole Denner and Hailey Garrison earned a mixed II rating.
  • "The Bald Mousetrap" featuring Kate Bauer, Maddie Greene, Jadyn Hallgren, Hannah LaPoint, Anikah Rath, Abby Rodgers, and Kateline Valentine earned a straight II rating.


"Time Flies"


"Just Cloning Around"


"Partners in Crime"




"The Bald Mousetrap"