The Ottumwa High School cheerleaders will sponsor the Ottumwa Junior Cheerleader Clinic for Ottumwa K-2 students on Monday, January 24 and Ottumwa 3-5 students on Wednesday, January 26. Clinics will be held in the Ottumwa High School cafeteria from 3:45 -5:15 p.m. Students will learn a dance, cheer jumps, and stunts to be performed during halftime of the girls varsity basketball game on Friday, January 28. Students need to wear shorts/comfortable long pants, shirts, and tennis shoes to practice. Please use the Fourth St. entrance.
Clinic cost is $25 (checks made out to OHS Cheerleaders). Students need to bring their T-shirt size and fee to the clinic. Junior cheerleaders need to meet at the Evans Middle School gymnasium entrance at 6:30 p.m. on Friday to warm up prior to the performance. Junior cheerleaders will be admitted into the game for FREE and are asked to sit with their parents after the performance. For additional information, email [email protected].