October is Dyslexia Awareness Month

dyslexia graphic

The Ottumwa Community School District is committed to providing state-of-the-art dyslexia services to its students and families. 

The district has three main goals:

Implement intensive intervention services for students with the characteristics of dyslexia.

  • Since training teachers in August, the district is serving 84 students with the Wilson Language program in grades K-8.
  • Hired a Dyslexia Specialist who supports teachers in the implementation of the Wilson Language System.

 Increase staff’s knowledge of dyslexia and skills for meeting the needs of students with the characteristics of dyslexia.

  • Ongoing professional learning for teachers and administrators. 

 Create a dyslexia-friendly district and classrooms

  • Implement dyslexia-friendly practices within classrooms K-12
  • Ongoing professional learning for all staff.
  • Provide information for parents and students.

Superintendent McGrory message: click here for video

Decoding Dyslexia Iowa - click here for the website

Resource Packet- click here