To be as transparent as possible regarding Covid 19 in our schools, we will again post Covid 19-related absence information on our website every Friday. Unlike last year, we do not have access to student Covid positive data confirmed by Wapello County Public Health, which allowed for timely and accurate reporting of positive cases of Covid 19. This year, we will gather data from parent reporting of Covid related absences, including positive Covid test, waiting on a Covid test, parent choice quarantine for close exposure, and parent reporting of Covid-like symptoms requiring 10 day isolation. This data will represent the average daily absences in the district-related to Covid 19.
You can find the Covid 19 data on our school website:
We understand that this data is not as accurate or specific as reported last year but with changes in quarantine and contact tracing expectations from the Iowa Department of Public Health, this represents the best data we have to work with for public reporting.