The Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, December 14 at Evans Middle School.
Consent agenda was approved and several employment recommendations were accepted. Five employees were recognized as December's Outstanding Employees for going above and beyond on a continual basis.
- Taylor Bailey - Special Education Associate at Horace Mann
- Steve Livingston - Strat II Teacher at Ottumwa High School
- Bobbie McCarty - Administrative Secretary at Ottumwa High School
- Dawnita Wellings - Teacher Associate at Evans Middle School
- Steve Zimmerman - Associate Principal at Liberty Elementary
Student Council member, Jose Rivera, Community Relations chair and member of the Executive Board, shared information regarding $1 Candygrams. The student council will also provide letters to the residents of Ottumwa high rises.
CFO, John Berg, discussed board transportation options. The current contract runs out June 30, 2021. Items to consider: safety of students, vendor options for discretionary transportation shuttle routes, consideration of charter buses for athletics, and the ability to track students on buses. Superintendent McGrory and Mr. Berg recommend a Request for Proposal due in late January with final review and approval in late February.
Bulldog Virtual Learning Update: Elementary and secondary representatives provided insight on Bulldog Virtual Learning. Collaboration is ongoing to ensure virtual learning aligns with the classroom for same content/curriculum and resources. Small and whole group sessions are available through Google Classroom, breakout sessions are provided for the middle school, with the high school delivering core courses through Schoology. Attendance is taken daily and completion of assignments are monitored.
Under-Resourced Program Update: Under-Resourced Director, Vern Reed, proposed implementing a 9-10 grade offsite alternative pilot program beginning the second semester. The 9th grade students would attend Transitions in the morning and then have two options for the afternoon (School to Work or return to OHS to take elective courses). The 10th grade would be the same except they would be allowed a third option (attending Job Corp career training).
Approved the 2nd and final reading of Board Policy 900 - Community Relations.
Superintendent Report:
- Board Retreat is Saturday, December 19 starting at 8 a.m.
- The Teen Outreach Program at OHS collected almost 1,400 pairs of socks to donate to the homeless.
- The district will be providing food to families over winter break. Thank you to food service and food service director, Yvonne Johnson.
- We are currently live streaming events, including Saturday, December 19, there will be a concert held at Bridge View Center starting at 11 a.m. with the middle school band and orchestra performing. The last performance is at 7 p.m. featuring the high school choir.
John Berg, Chief Financial Officer, reviewed financial documents for November 2020 including revenues and expenditures by fund, cash and investment balances, general fund performance versus the budget and staffing information.
The board thanked students, teachers/staff for their help in delivering Thanksgiving dinners provided by the KC Hall. The OHS metals class went to Millennium Granite & Quartz for assistance in water jet cutting some aluminum sheets for dry boxes. The students were respectful, attentive, and represented the district well.