Due to the no school attendance days scheduled for Friday, November 20 and the Thanksgiving holiday break, BVL and Extended Summer Feeding participants will have a change in their ordering and pickup routine.
This week, persons wishing to order meals for the week of November 23 need to contact OHS on Thursday, November 19 by 8:30 a.m. Pickup will be on the same day between 10-11 a.m. For meals the week of November 30, orders need to be placed on Tuesday, November 24 by 8:30 a.m. for pickup on the same day between 10-11 a.m.
As a reminder, elementary students can contact their school to place their order. Students who attend Evans and OHS or who participate in the Extended Summer Feeding program can call 641-683-1190.
Due to COVID-19, the federal government extended free meals through the Extended Summer Feeding program. Any Ottumwa family with children between the ages of one and 18 are eligible for a free breakfast and lunch on all school days.
For more information, contact Yvonne Johnson at 641-684-6979 x73101.