A donation from Grace Ottumwa has provided masks for every staff member and youth masks for students as needed. "The total is close to 2,000 to Ottumwa Schools," said Carol Ryon, a retired Family Consumer Science teacher and Grace organizer. The district then personalized the staff masks with the school's logo.
According to Ryon, all this was accomplished in a month. "This was amazing," she said. The effort included 27 volunteers, who completed a variety of tasks from cutting, sewing, ironing, installing elastic, etc. Since July, Ryon herself has spent eight hours a day sewing. "The most I ever made in one day was 80 Olson masks."
Thanks to the following volunteers: Carol Ryon, Sharon Bowman, Debbie Bratten, Marcelin Bukowski, Peg Campbell, Kathy Courtney, Eileen Day, Jeri Hall, Mary Beth Hammer, Nancy Harms, Aleta Harris, Crystal James, Diane Jorgenson, Abby Leonard, Clara Long, Connie Lewis, Ben Logan, Kristi Meyers, Connie Moore, Sherry North, Mary Orman, Terry Reid, Kathy Robertson, Deb Stephenson, Mary Jane Vasconez, Elaine Weaver, and Ann Youngman.